Secure Tickets offers you the ability to add enhanced refund rights, above what’s required by law, to your order in Checkout. Information on what is included can be found in the Secure Tickets Terms and Conditions.
Once you’ve purchased Secure Tickets with your event ticket, we’ll email you a confirmation. It will also appear in your My Account.
How do I request a refund if I have purchased Secure Tickets?
For refunds in accordance with the Secure Ticket Terms and Conditions, complete a refund application form.
What happens to Secure Tickets when an event is cancelled or rescheduled?
If it's determined that your circumstances qualify you for a refund under our Purchase Policy, you’ll be refunded the full amount paid, including the cost of adding Secure Tickets.
Will the Secure Ticket still apply if my event is rescheduled or moved?
If you decide to attend the new date, your Secure Tickets will also be moved to the new event date.